Tag #stairsPaul Nechifor · Photography

The image features a staircase with a black metal railing and a red pole. On the pole, there is a small statue of a man wearing a hat. The stairs are located in an urban setting, possibly near a subway station or another public transportation hub.The image features a beautifully lit staircase with a lamp post on the side, creating an inviting atmosphere. The stairs are made of stone and have a black railing for safety. Above the stairs, there is a tree that adds to the overall charm of the scene.The image features a brick building with an old-fashioned design, including a steep staircase leading to the entrance. Above the doorway, there is a small balcony or porch area that adds charm and character to the structure. Inside the building, there are several people visible, likely going about their daily activities.The image is a black and white photo of an old brick building with two sets of stairs leading up to the second floor. The staircase appears to be made of bricks, giving it a classic appearance. There are several windows on the building, some located near the top of the stairs while others can be seen further down the side of the structure.The image is a black and white photo of an old brick building with a steeple. The building has a large porch, which features a staircase leading up to the entrance. There are two people standing in front of the building, one closer to the left side and another nearer to the right side.The image is a black and white photo of an old staircase, likely in a subway or train station. There are several steps leading upwards, with the first step being closer to the bottom left corner of the frame. A person can be seen standing at the top of the stairs, possibly waiting for a train or preparing to descend.The image is a black and white photo of an outdoor stairway with yellow and blue checkered tiles. There are two sets of stairs, one on the left side and another on the right side of the image. A metal railing can be seen in front of the stairs, providing safety for those using them.