Tag #pollsPaul Nechifor · Photography

The image features a pole with various stickers on it, including one that has an eye and mouth drawn on it. There are also other stickers covering the pole, giving it a colorful appearance. In the background, there is a street scene with several people walking around.The image depicts a fenced-in area with several boxes and trash cans. There are three large cardboard boxes placed in the middle of the scene, while two smaller trash cans are located closer to the right side of the area. A pole is situated near the center of the scene, and there's also a fire hydrant on the left side.The image is a black and white photo of a street pole with a sign attached to it. The sign reads "Fossil Fuels Check Your Bank." Above the sign, there are two cars parked on the side of the road. One car is positioned further back in the scene, while the other car is closer to the foreground.The image features a white house with a red roof, situated in the middle of a field. A large wooden pole is standing next to the house, and there are power lines running above it. In the background, there is a beautiful view of the moon rising over the horizon.The image features a long, narrow tunnel with a sidewalk running through it. A street light is positioned at the end of the tunnel, providing illumination for pedestrians and drivers alike. The tunnel appears to be made of concrete, giving it an industrial appearance.