Tag #baliPaul Nechifor · Photography

The image features a bookshelf filled with various books, including several art and history books. On top of the bookshelf, there are three statues or busts of women, each positioned at different angles. These sculptures add an interesting visual element to the scene, creating a unique atmosphere in the room.The image features a statue of a woman with a crown on her head, sitting in front of a black background. She is wearing earrings and has an intricate design on her headpiece. The statue appears to be made of metal or stone, giving it a unique and elegant appearance.The image features a statue of a woman sitting on top of several books. The statue is positioned in the center of the scene, with the books surrounding it. There are at least nine books visible in the picture, some stacked vertically and others horizontally.The image features a brown statue of a woman with a headband, possibly an Egyptian or African style. She is wearing a necklace and has a peaceful expression on her face. The statue appears to be made from wood and is placed in front of a black background.