Tag #theaterPaul Nechifor · Photography

The image features a street scene with people walking down the sidewalk in front of a large building. There are several individuals visible, some closer to the foreground and others further back. A couple is seen crossing the street near the center of the image.The image depicts a busy city street at night, with people walking around and cars driving by. There are several individuals scattered throughout the scene, some closer to the foreground while others are further away. A few cars can be seen on the road, including one near the center of the frame and another towards the right side.The image features a large, ornate theater building with a prominent sign that reads "Hamilton Victoria Palace." The theater is located on a street corner and has an old-fashioned appearance. There are several statues adorning the facade of the building, adding to its grandeur. In addition to the main theater entrance, there are two other doors visible in the scene.The image is a black and white photo of the Lyceum Theatre, which features a large white building with columns. There are several people walking around outside the theatre, some closer to the foreground while others are further away. A few individuals can be seen standing near the entrance of the theatre.