Tag #city-streetPaul Nechifor · Photography

The image is a black and white photo of an urban street scene. There are several buildings on the side of the road, with one building featuring a large billboard. A bus stop can be seen in the middle of the scene, surrounded by various signs.The image depicts a nighttime scene with a street light illuminating the area. A tree is located near the center of the scene, and another one can be seen further to the right. There are two cars parked on the side of the road, one closer to the left edge of the image and the other slightly behind it.The image is a black and white photo of a red double-decker bus driving down the street. There are several people on the sidewalk, some walking and others standing near parked bicycles. A traffic light can be seen in the background, indicating that this scene takes place at an intersection.The image features a city street with various businesses and shops lining the sidewalk. Among these, there is a prominent sign for a currency exchange store that stands out from the rest. Above this shop, there are several signs advertising different businesses, including one for a toy store.The image features a tall, old building with a clock tower on the side. The building has a brick facade and is situated at an intersection. There are several traffic lights in the scene, including one near the left edge of the image, another closer to the center, and two more towards the right side.The image features a bottle of beer sitting on top of a stone ledge or counter. The bottle is placed in the center of the scene, and it appears to be an old-fashioned style beer bottle. In the background, there are several cars parked along the street, with some closer to the foreground and others further away.The image features a green neon Christmas tree with lights on it, standing in the snow. It is located near a fence and appears to be lit up at night. There are also two people visible in the scene, one closer to the left side of the frame and another further back towards the right.The image is a black and white photo of an old clock tower in the middle of a city. The clock tower stands tall, with its face visible on all sides. It appears to be located near some buildings, possibly a church or a historical site.The image is a black and white photo of an old building with a brick facade. It appears to be a large structure, possibly a warehouse or a similar type of building. There are several windows on the building, some of which have bars covering them.The image is a black and white photo of an alleyway between two buildings. The alley appears to be made of cobblestone, giving it a charming and historic appearance. There are several potted plants placed along the sidewalk, adding some greenery to the scene.The image is a black and white photo of a man standing outside of a telephone booth at night. He appears to be waiting for someone or something, possibly a taxi or another person. There are several cars parked in the background, with one car on the left side of the scene and two others further back on the right side.The image is a black and white photo of a city street with a telephone booth in the foreground. A sign on the phone booth reads "Legalise It." There are several people walking around, some closer to the camera while others are further away. In addition to pedestrians, there are multiple cars parked or driving along the street.The image is a black and white photo of a busy street at night. There are several cars driving down the road, with some appearing blurry due to motion. A few traffic lights can be seen along the street, helping control the flow of vehicles.The image is a black and white photo of a busy city street filled with traffic. There are several cars driving down the road, including some that appear to be blurry due to motion. In addition to the cars, there are also two trucks visible on the street.