Tag #apartmentPaul Nechifor · Photography

The image is a black and white photo of a street scene featuring a red fire station. A large building with many windows, possibly an old hotel or apartment complex, stands next to the fire station. There are several potted plants placed around the area, adding greenery to the scene.The image features a brick building with a sign on top of it, indicating that the location is Chesington Lodge. There are several potted plants surrounding the area, adding greenery to the scene. A few windows can be seen in the background, and a bench is located nearby for people to sit and enjoy the surroundings.The image is a black and white photo of several tall buildings with many windows. These buildings are connected by walkways, allowing people to move between them easily. There are multiple balconies on the side of these buildings, providing additional space for residents or visitors.The image features a large, ornate building with a prominent white facade. Above the entrance to the building is an elaborate carved stone archway that has two statues of lions on either side. The building appears to be a historical or governmental structure, as indicated by its name "Aphrodisiacs Hall."

In addition to the lion statues, there are several other decorative elements visible in the image, including a clock mounted on the wall and two potted plants placed near the entrance.