
% Compact Laboratory Book
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (4/6/12)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Joan Queralt Gil ( using the labbook class by
% Frank Kuster (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
% Important note:
% This template requires the labbook.cls file to be in the same directory as the
% .tex file. The labbook.cls file provides the necessary structure to create the
% lab book.
% The \lipsum[#] commands throughout this template generate dummy text
% to fill the template out. These commands should all be removed when 
% writing lab book content.
% Each day in the lab consists of three main things:
% 1. LABDAY: The first thing to put is the \labday{} command with a date in 
% curly brackets, this will make a new section showing that you are working
% on a new day.
% 2. EXPERIMENT/SUBEXPERIMENT: Next you need to specify what 
% experiment(s) and subexperiment(s) you are working on with a 
% \experiment{} and \subexperiment{} commands with the experiment 
% shorthand in the curly brackets. The experiment shorthand is defined in the 
% 'DEFINITION OF EXPERIMENTS' section below, this means you can 
% say \experiment{pcr} and the actual text written to the PDF will be what 
% you set the 'pcr' experiment to be. If the experiment is a one off, you can 
% just write it in the bracket without creating a shorthand. Note: if you don't 
% want to have an experiment, just leave this out and it won't be printed.
% 3. CONTENT: Following the experiment is the content, i.e. what progress 
% you made on the experiment that day.


\documentclass[fontsize=11pt, % Document font size
                             paper=a4, % Document paper type
                             twoside, % Shifts odd pages to the left for easier reading when printed, can be changed to oneside
\usepackage[bottom=10em]{geometry} % Reduces the whitespace at the bottom of the page so more text can fit

\usepackage[english]{babel} % English language
\usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inserting dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Uses the utf8 input encoding
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use 8-bit encoding that has 256 glyphs

\usepackage[osf]{mathpazo} % Palatino as the main font
\linespread{1.05}\selectfont % Palatino needs some extra spacing, here 5% extra
\usepackage[scaled=.88]{beramono} % Bera-Monospace
\usepackage[scaled=.86]{berasans} % Bera Sans-Serif

\usepackage{booktabs,array} % Packages for tables

\usepackage{amsmath} % For typesetting math
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for including images
\usepackage[norule]{footmisc} % Removes the horizontal rule from footnotes
\usepackage{lastpage} % Counts the number of pages of the document

\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}  % Allows the definition of hex colors
\definecolor{titleblue}{rgb}{0.16,0.24,0.64} % Custom color for the title on the title page
\definecolor{linkcolor}{rgb}{0,0,0.42} % Custom color for links - dark blue at the moment

\addtokomafont{title}{\Huge\color{titleblue}} % Titles in custom blue color
\addtokomafont{chapter}{\color{OliveGreen}} % Lab dates in olive green
\addtokomafont{section}{\color{Sepia}} % Sections in sepia
\addtokomafont{pagehead}{\normalfont\sffamily\color{gray}} % Header text in gray and sans serif
\addtokomafont{caption}{\footnotesize\itshape} % Small italic font size for captions
\addtokomafont{captionlabel}{\upshape\bfseries} % Bold for caption labels
\setcapwidth[r]{10cm} % Right align caption text
\setkomafont{footnote}{\sffamily} % Footnotes in sans serif

\deffootnote[4cm]{4cm}{1em}{\textsuperscript{\thefootnotemark}} % Indent footnotes to line up with text

\DeclareFixedFont{\textcap}{T1}{phv}{bx}{n}{1.5cm} % Font for main title: Helvetica 1.5 cm
\DeclareFixedFont{\textaut}{T1}{phv}{bx}{n}{0.8cm} % Font for author name: Helvetica 0.8 cm

\usepackage[nouppercase,headsepline]{scrpage2} % Provides headers and footers configuration
\pagestyle{scrheadings} % Print the headers and footers on all pages
\clearscrheadfoot % Clean old definitions if they exist

\ohead{\headmark} % Prints outer header

\setlength{\headheight}{25pt} % Makes the header take up a bit of extra space for aesthetics
\setheadsepline{.4pt} % Creates a thin rule under the header
\addtokomafont{headsepline}{\color{lightgray}} % Colors the rule under the header light gray

\ofoot[\normalfont\normalcolor{\thepage\ |\  \pageref{LastPage}}]{\normalfont\normalcolor{\thepage\ |\  \pageref{LastPage}}} % Creates an outer footer of: "current page | total pages"

% These lines make it so each new lab day directly follows the previous one i.e. does not start on a new page - comment them out to separate lab days on new pages

% These lines make it so every figure and equation in the document is numbered consecutively rather than restarting at 1 for each lab day - comment them out to remove this behavior

% Hyperlink configuration
    pdfauthor={}, % Your name for the author field in the PDF
    pdftitle={Laboratory Journal}, % PDF title
    pdfsubject={}, % PDF subject
    urlcolor=linkcolor, % Color of URLs
    citecolor=linkcolor, % Color of citations
    linkcolor=linkcolor, % Color of links to other pages/figures
    colorlinks=true, % Turn off all coloring by changing this to false

\usepackage[stretch=10]{microtype} % Slightly tweak font spacing for aesthetics

%\setlength\parindent{0pt} % Uncomment to remove all indentation from paragraphs


% Template: \newexperiment{<abbrev>}[<short form>]{<long form>}
% <abbrev> is the reference to use later in the .tex file in \experiment{}, the <short form> is only used in the table of contents and running title - it is optional, <long form> is what is printed in the lab book itself

\newexperiment{example}[Example experiment]{This is an example experiment}
\newexperiment{example2}[Example experiment 2]{This is another example experiment}
\newexperiment{example3}[Example experiment 3]{This is yet another example experiment}

\newsubexperiment{subexp_example}[Example sub-experiment]{This is an example sub-experiment}
\newsubexperiment{subexp_example2}[Example sub-experiment 2]{This is another example sub-experiment}
\newsubexperiment{subexp_example3}[Example sub-experiment 3]{This is yet another example sub-experiment}




\title{\textcap{Laboratory Journal \\[1cm]  
\textaut{Beginning 30-05-2012}}}

    \textaut{John Smith}\\ \\ % Your name
    Master of Science % Your degree
\date{} % No date by default, add \today if you wish to include the publication date

\maketitle % Title page

\tableofcontents % Table of contents
\newpage % Start lab look on a new page

\begin{addmargin}[4cm]{0cm} % Makes the text width much shorter for a compact look

\pagestyle{scrheadings} % Begin using headers


\labday{Friday, 1 June 2012}





Footnote example\footnote{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.}.\\

Citation example \cite{lamport94}.




\begin{tabular}{l l l}
\textbf{Groups} & \textbf{Treatment X} & \textbf{Treatment Y} \\
1 & 0.2 & 0.8\\
2 & 0.17 & 0.7\\
3 & 0.24 & 0.75\\
4 & 0.68 & 0.3\\
\caption{The effects of treatments X and Y on the four groups studied.}




\caption{Placeholder image.}


Example figure citation: \autoref{fig:placeholder}.














\labday{Saturday, 2 June 2012}



e = mc^2

Example equation citation: \autoref{eq:emc}.












Leslie Lamport,
\emph{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}.
Addison Wesley, Massachusetts,
2nd Edition,




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